Privacy Policy


The privacy of your personal information is afforded the highest level of importance by Casual Byte. We strictly comply with all relevant legislative requirements.

Personal Information, COPPA & Child Protection

We understand the importance of our users’ personal information, and more importantly the information pertaining to children under 13 years of age. We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We do not collect personal information on children under the age of 13 or from any age for that matter. Our Apps do not collect or require users to enter their personal information when using our Products. Hence, It is not required of you to delete or remove your data.

Device Information & Storage

Our Apps access device storage and UDID of the device.

Use of Device Storage

Our Apps access your device storage for following operations only. 

  • Downloading the App data.

Anonymous Usage Information

Our Apps may collect anonymous usage information to help improve the quality of our applications.

Internet Permissions

Our apps do typically require internet permissions, for the purpose of providing links to the app store entry of our products and to collect anonymous usage information (see above).

In-App Purchases

Our apps may contain in-app purchases (IAP’s).

Access to Third Party Services

Our Apps Access Following third party services: 

  • Amazon Cloud Service (for downloading files if any) using strict authentication method(s).
  • GitHub Cloud Service (for downloading files if any) using strict authentication method(s)..


Many of our Apps use advertising to provide the content free of charge. When you use these apps your device automatically sends certain information to our advertising partner Admob. This information includes, for example, the name of the app, the device type, and the advertising ID. We may occasionally promote other products of our own within our apps.

The information gathered is solely used to provide our advertising partners with the bare minimum of information they need to provide their services and combat click fraud.

We are using following Ads Network(s) & SDK(s):